Engineering 4.0
3D CADWORKS helps companies solve mechanical challenges through innovative engineering and forward-thinking CAD designs. You can count on thorough guidance from concept to implementation.
Looking for a specific approach to your problem? Check out our unique brands. You will always be supported by experienced professionals. Where necessary, we leverage the scale advantage of our group to deliver the solution to your challenge.
Mechanical engineering & design
Your all-round engineering support
Caden ondersteunt jouw bedrijf op jouw manier. Met oog voor detail gaan onze engineers op zoek naar de beste oplossing die jouw product centraal stelt. Voor al je engineering opdrachten, persoonlijke consulting en heavy lift designing en transporting. Van concept tot productie.
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Design automation
Process automation made easy
Yucon automatiseert je productieproces met een gepersonaliseerde configurator tool. Gedaan met repetitieve taken. De kosten worden gedrukt, de winst verhoogt en de time-to-market versnelt. Maak terug tijd voor datgene dat er echt toe doet: innoveren!
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Technical documentation & Visualisation
Dream - develop - experience
Captis brengt jouw projecten tot leven. Met augmented en virtual reality beleef je je design vanop de eerste rij. Captis creëert modellen met nauwkeurig vastgelegde coördinaten die de basis voor jouw engineering vormen.
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Solidworks education
Take your SolidWorks skills to the next level
De aCADemy biedt praktijkgerichte SolidWorks opleidingen aan voor beginnende en ervaren professionals. Of je nu je eerste stappen in de wereld van 3D-tekenen zet of een ervaren ontwerper bent, je kan bij aCADemy terecht voor een opleiding op jouw niveau.
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Alle engineering producten die je zoekt, verzamelt in één webshop. Ontdek ze nu bij Tepro.
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3D CADWORKS is an engineering firm based in Hoogstraten
3D CADWORKS is an engineering firm from Hoogstraten with a long, solid tradition in the mechanical industry. We guide you from A to Z in the development process. Our culture of innovation translates into satisfied customers. From the first contact to the completion of a project, our designers are passionate about developing a unique and innovative solution.
3D CADWORKS consists of 5 brands, each with its own unique expertise. We immerse ourselves in your situation with one brand, if relevant, and work seamlessly together if your project requires a comprehensive approach. Together, we create the impossible.
Working at
Working at 3D CADWORKS means being challenged every day to find the next big thing.
We are always looking for motivated colleagues to strengthen our team. Check out our job openings and send us a message if you think you can add value to our projects. We look forward to getting to know you better.

Contact us
With which challenge can we help you?
3D Cadworks bvba
+32(0)3 295 47 33
Veilingstraat 7 blok A havennummer 1421
B-2320 Hoogstraten - Belgium
Send us a message